
Like many other Trusts, we receive many more applications than we can fund. 

What the Trust is looking for:

  • A well-defined and specific project

  • Real passion for improving people’s lives through sport

  • Clear evidence of disability or disadvantage and how the project addresses that need

  • Genuine need for funding

  • Longer term impact

What the Trust does not fund:

  • Building/renovation works

  • Expensive personalised equipment

  • Grants outside the UK, other than in exceptional circumstances

  • Individuals, other than in exceptional circumstances (and all applications need to be supported by a non-profit organisation)


Please email a letter, no more than two sides of A4, telling us the following details:-

Organisation Details

The name of your organisation, what you do and who your beneficiaries are.


Details of the project and why you need support.


Amount of funding requested together with a budget.

Email us:
Sarah Johnson


Boost offers two different levels of funding:

  1. Small Awards, up to £750, which are considered through a shorter process;

  2. Large Awards, over £750, which are considered by the full trustee body at the next trustee meeting.  Most of our more recent Large Awards have been in the range of £2,000 to £7,000. 

The trustees aim to make a formal decision within three months.